JUST SHOW UP - I am going to show up and do my job and let God do the rest

all images and stories are copyright protected and property of Julie Landreth

Saturday, March 12, 2011


So a friend of mine had done something like this for a school. I thought it was a fun idea. My son's school is having a fundraiser.  (It has started and we are only in PreK3).  And I don't remember all these fundraisers growing up? Mom and Dad were all the schools having fundraisers while we were growing up? Because I don't recall your going to them, doesn't mean you didn't go.  Well anyway, I told the head of the school I would donate this photo shoot and they could have the canvas as something people would bid on at the auction. It turned our really fun and I am excited. I hope the school loves it and someone bids on it!  My son is in the red shirt, the middle arm of the E.  I definitely had a fun time doing this and it was also great for me because I really wanted to do it. I was able to say YES and not feel stressed about it.

1 comment:

  1. Super cute idea!...and great photography!
